
International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper

Currently, the International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists has 463 members from 37 different countries... 

Page d'accueil

Propose une exposition permanente, autour de l'histoire régionale, la Triennale internationale du papier. Canton Fribourg... 

Gravura Brasileira

A galeria Gravura Brasileira foi fundada em 1998 por Alberto Fuks e Eduardo Besen com a proposta de mostrar a gravura histórica e contemporânea em toda a sua...

Hand Papermaking Map

Hand Papermaking - how to make handmade paper, tutorials, artists & art, paper making studios, equipment & beater guides, interesting paper projects.

North American Hand Papermakers

an organization that brings together people interested in hand papermaking, to encourage sharing of practical, historical, and artistic knowledge about the craft.

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